Monday, September 22, 2014

Gray hair...oh no you didn't!

Yep and there it is. The moment my Momma always told me would come. I didn't believe her. I was a doubter. I pushed it off as one of those, "It'll never happen to me", coined events. But then it hit me, like a ton of bricks. Never saw it coming. 

As I stood in the mirror, I saw it. My first Gray hair. Immediately, a wave of fear and sadness came over. My heart sunk into my stomach. My Momma was right. It would happen one day, and that day is today. How did this happen? I took the proper precautions. I watched my diet. I exercised. I refrained from any extra curricular habits that might hinder my youth. But it found me anyway. That single Gray hair. 

Now what am I to do? I can't very well pluck it out! I have always heard that if you pull it out, three more would grow in its place. Whether or not that is true, I am not taking the chance. That's not happening. If I leave it, everyone will see it and make fun of me. I just know it. I can see it now, fingers pointing, people snickering as they walk by me, others trying not to look directly at it as they talk to me. Yep, my world has officially come to an end right before my very eyes.

Of course, I know what that Gray hair is thinking too. It has come to ruin everything I've got going. It's on a mission. It's sole purpose is to take over my head with it's little anti-pigment army. It will divide and conquer. So of course, I had to examine it closer. Wouldn't you know, it was staring right back at me, taunting me. Whispering words of contempt at me. And why? What have I ever done to it? Why does it feel the need to harass me? There are thousands of other qualified heads to dominate. I am a simple girl. Non confrontational. But nope, it picked me.

I know what you are thinking. It's just a gray hair. To your relief, I will tell you that shortly after my brief moment of over exaggerating that horrid event, (which really isn't even a life altering event) I sat myself down and said to myself, "Self, why are you getting all worked up over this? What is the big deal? Why are you so worried about getting a gray hair?"

Well to be honest. I had no reason to be upset. It's the natural course of life. Most people have or will have gray hair at some point in their lifetime. I think that I as a woman just want to feel pretty and youthful. Which is of course mostly a media driven longing, but it is also just a woman thing. We want to look pretty for our husbands. For ourselves. That in itself is not a bad thing. It's when we get all upset and turn to the dark side of rationality that it becomes a problem. As I stood in front of that mirror and saw that gray hair, instead of feeling fear and anxiety at that inevitable course of life that has just taken place on my head, I should have been thankful. Thankful that God has given me enough years to see gray hairs on my head. Lord willing, I will have enough years left ahead of me to see my head completely covered with gray-toned hues. 

So from now on, I will be thankful when I reach milestones. It is a gift from God. I pray that you will too. And also Gray hair is totally in right now, so that's cool.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I don't have any gray hair..hahaha. you can thank Allie for that one I'm sure!
